Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Just Because He Asks For Your Number Does Not Mean He'll Call

Over the past 2 weeks I have given out my number to 8 men, or rather they have had the fortunate event of receiving it from me (HAH!). Now you would think that was good, except I've only had 1 take me out on a date (NonCreepy Old Guy), 3 text me, but then stop or never follow through after a couple of texts, 1 out of towner who I chit chat with occasionally, and the rest no shows. Granted a couple of the no shows are from this weekend, so I'll give them some time and one of the three texters is expecting a nephew anytime soon, so he might just be held up over that. However, this is where us women make a huge pitfall: We make excuses. We sit there by our phones (be it after he asks for our number or takes us out on a date) and wait. When he doesn't call we make up all these excuses in our heads...he must be busy with work, he probably has some family issues he needs to take care of, I'm sure he'll call tomorrow...Ladies, STOP. Please. Have you ever read that book or seen the movie "He's just not that into you?" I haven't but I feel the title fits. I'm a firm believer that if he wants it bad enough and if it's worth it to him, he'll make time. And not just him, but you too. Think about your life and what's important to you, your friends, your job, a hobby, you MAKE time for it. And if they can't make time for you, then why sit around wasting your time on them? So what if they call? Eh feel it out, if you're still interested then give it go, but don't stop giving (or collecting) numbers waiting for that one guy you met a week ago to call you because you swear up and down you both had "chemistry". He might not have agreed and just asked you for your number to have an out. Who knows. But my advice? Keep prowling...it'll also keep you from obsessing over why he hasn't called.

Until Next Time.

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