Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I've Always Been A Sucker for the Pretty Ones

When Quinn Fabray tells Rachel in the episode "Born This Way", “I pretty much have a warped sense of the world. Being a hot 17 year old, you can get away with or do anything you want, so I kind of always assumed that people are always nice and accommodating.” I almost got whiplash from nodding so vigorously. In 2 seconds, Quinn summed up how I had always felt. People who say a pretty face doesn't get you far never had one. Now don't get me wrong, you can buy pretty, up to a point. But to be born beautiful, well that's all luck of the draw no? A toss of the dice, some good mixture of genetics, and BAM. 

Now my unfortunate failing is that I can't help but be a sucker for the pretty ones. I always let them in far more than I should, and let them get away with far worse than I should. I can't help it, they're just so darn cute! And when they're sweet and cute, well then they practically have me drooling in the palm of their hands. Take my ex-boyfriend (we'll call him Alpha, cause he pretty much is). He was GORGEOUS. Now I know what you're thinking, ya ya everyone thinks their ex-boyfriend is cute or else they wouldn't have dated him. But trust me, me and every other girl will attest to how cute he is. He was fit, had great, buff arms, an amazing back, a great jawline, dimples, dark hair and perfect teeth (that he was born with! bastard). But unfortunately, it pretty much stopped there. He spent his high school career chasing girls and never really made it past that. Now don't get me wrong, he works hard...but upstairs, well we just never clicked and as I grow older (hardly wiser lol) I realized that a pretty face does get you far, but it's longevity, well isn't that long. I found myself craving intellectual conversations, debates, opinions, thoughts, something deeper and more meaningful than the monotony of life and basketball. Sure, I like talking about random things too, but what was missing was this appreciation for education, this need to learn, explore, discover, and achieve lofty goals...I can't describe it, but it's almost as if they (intellectuals) saw life on a whole different level...for more than just the immediate fulfillment of being able to buy that flat screen TV they've been slickdealing all year. And yes, I agree intelligence is all subjective, so when I say intelligent I mean by MY standards on MY level. Now what's that you ask? I come from an analytical/software background with a degree from a top 40 University and intelligence wise I have a penchant for engineers. Unfortunately engineers don't tend to be as cute as the boys I meet at the gym.

So here I find myself, once again being attracted to Alpha 2.0.- 6'2, great back, pretty face, buff and gorgeous, but unfortunately hustling it just as hard in life as Alpha 1.0 (my ex). He spent his high school career chasing just as many girls, and now at 31, is still struggling to put a career together and unfortunately I just don't see myself building a life with someone who isn't on the same page as me, but man do I wish I could cause he'd sure be good to look at for a long while...hahaha

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Here's My Business Card

Recently I have been plagued with men giving me their business cards. Now I have to admit it's pretty slick. The pressures off, you've thrown the ball in my court and if I call/text it's a hint that I'm at least somewhat interested. It helps me out a bit too cause now I know what you do, where you work, and can google search your email/full name for your twitter, facebook, linkedIn or any other social networking site you decided to join and find out if you participate in any illicit activity (or that you're captain of a winning water polo team...HOT!). For those of you with lawyer friends or family or perhaps you're one yourself, you can now Lexus Nexus him and see if he has any liens, criminal records, auto loans, brothers, etc. So maybe it's best you don't hand me your business card? ;)

Either way, I don't believe in this strategy. Call me old school, but I'm a firm believer that the man is the hunter and I'm the winning prize if he hunts well enough. Let's face it, men like being well...men. They want to be the man, the aggressor, the hero. Where is the fun if I take over the role? Don't get me wrong ladies, I'm all for independence and what not. But if a guy doesn't pay for dinner, if he doesn't open your door, or treat you like a gentlemen should we get all in a huffy puff right? If you wanted true equality then you'd dutch the dinner, open your own door, and do your own acts of chivalry. So that wage gap due to gender? I support it, in the end guys end up putting out more cash (usually). It's not like I have to pay for the first couple of dinners, buy the occasional flowers and eventually the engagement ring. So fellas, take that couple extra $K...you deserve it.

Now back to the business card thing. So what do I do when they hand it to me? I hand it back. Yups that's right I give it right back to them and tell them flat out I'm not big on it, and they should call me sometime if they want to hang. When they playfully ask me how, I respond just as playfully back, by calling me. DUH. Now the ball's back in their court and the playing field is how it should be. The man as the hunter, and me the holy grail. And if it isn't this way, you just might find yourself having to do all the chasing...or "man" roles and that's no fun.

Until Next Time.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Just Because He Asks For Your Number Does Not Mean He'll Call

Over the past 2 weeks I have given out my number to 8 men, or rather they have had the fortunate event of receiving it from me (HAH!). Now you would think that was good, except I've only had 1 take me out on a date (NonCreepy Old Guy), 3 text me, but then stop or never follow through after a couple of texts, 1 out of towner who I chit chat with occasionally, and the rest no shows. Granted a couple of the no shows are from this weekend, so I'll give them some time and one of the three texters is expecting a nephew anytime soon, so he might just be held up over that. However, this is where us women make a huge pitfall: We make excuses. We sit there by our phones (be it after he asks for our number or takes us out on a date) and wait. When he doesn't call we make up all these excuses in our heads...he must be busy with work, he probably has some family issues he needs to take care of, I'm sure he'll call tomorrow...Ladies, STOP. Please. Have you ever read that book or seen the movie "He's just not that into you?" I haven't but I feel the title fits. I'm a firm believer that if he wants it bad enough and if it's worth it to him, he'll make time. And not just him, but you too. Think about your life and what's important to you, your friends, your job, a hobby, you MAKE time for it. And if they can't make time for you, then why sit around wasting your time on them? So what if they call? Eh feel it out, if you're still interested then give it go, but don't stop giving (or collecting) numbers waiting for that one guy you met a week ago to call you because you swear up and down you both had "chemistry". He might not have agreed and just asked you for your number to have an out. Who knows. But my advice? Keep prowling...it'll also keep you from obsessing over why he hasn't called.

Until Next Time.